Sunday, August 29, 2010

Porter's little accident

Our sweet Porter had a little accident last night. He was trying to throw a ball up the stairs and when the ball came back down, so did Porter. Thankfully, he had only climbed one stair, but he hit the ground hard enough to fracture his little arm. We called the doctor this morning and they said we should probably take him to the emergency room. So, we spent most of the morning in the emergency room. They did an xray and now Porter has a little splint. He is going to have to have a cast which he will have to wear for at least 4 weeks. Please pray for Porter:) Here's a little video of Porter telling John what happened.


Abby and Jacob said...

Oh man! Poor little guy! Sounds like your night was rough and the next 4 weeks will be, too. Hopefully he handles it well and heals quickly.

KLee said...

Dude. No fun! Poor little man. He seems to still be all smiles.

Suzanne said...

that is the cutest sad story ever! Essie broke hers a yr ago and it didn't slow her down a bit. pray you have the same experience. he is adorable! hope all is well :)